
Mubarek Mohammed

mubarek.mohammed@aait.edu.et, mubarek045@gmail.com

About Me

Hello there, I am from Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.


I studied Mathematics as Addis Ababa University(AAU) and its a subject that is dear and close to my heart. It fits in my head. I will always be a mathematician first. I consider myself a lucky mathematician as I get to work on the two most important applications of mathematics in technology: Cryptography and Artificial Intelligence. Most math students, especially in Ethiopia, never get to see its applications. I plan to do something about it, may be put together a workshop, not sure.


I took a couple of Cybersecurity training programs in Israel including Cyber Security Analysis, Cryptography, Malware Analysis and Web security. I have also done projects, some of them can be found here. I worked in the cryptology research department of Information Network Security Agency (INSA), the Ethiopian equivalent of NSA.


AI is now what I currently do everyday. I have been assigned to supervise a tiny team dedicated to applying AI for Cybersecutiy. I started uploading codes and stuff recently on my Github. In general, I am interested in model compression and explainability. What NLP can do on local languages excites me. And ofcourse, just like ever other AI enthusiast in the world, I am curious about AGI.


Publishing prominent works is one of my goals. I started out with a review paper titled Model Compression on Deep Neural Networks which is accepted for Lecture Notes in Computer Science LNCS, and a workshop paper at ICLR workshop 2023 titled Model Compression Beyond Size Reduction .

Soft stuff

I did have an interest in personal knowledge, the soul and stuff like that. Sometimes, I try to connect them with the AI stuff. Check out my writings here.

Tiny Leadership

I try to inspire a better mental environment to create frictionless interaction and communication.


Chi Na Be Jiorgis